zoomurj camp

What's Happening at Temple What's Happening at Temple

We are sad to announce the passing of Thomas Weisz. Our deepest condolences to the Weisz, Asa & Horwood Families. Visitation continues from 2:00 to 4:00 PM through Thursday, with Shiva Minyanim from 7:00 to 9:00 PM.

Do you know some Hebrew but want to improve your vocabulary. This is a fun way to accomplish that. We dig into Israeli music, translate and learn lyrics and add so many useful words and phrases to our Hebrew vocabulary! In addition you add to your knowledge of Israeli culture and the arts!



This coming Thursday night is Jewish Film Night at TAS. Join friends to watch Ed Asner’s last film. In it he plays a Holocaust survivor that befriends a homeless teenager.


Thursday, July 11th at 7:00 PM

This Summer and Fall we have 6 Havdalah with Friends gatherings planned. They are hosted at member’s homes and featured potluck snacks and treats, live music and sometimes even a campfire!


 JULY 13th – Summer Fun/ AUGUST 10th – Summer Fun/ SEPTEMBER 7th – First Week of School / OCTOBER 19th – Sukkot

jewish Learning
Learn about our engaging and inclusive Jewish learning program and 
contact our Director of Religious Education, Dora-Ann Cohen Ellison.


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