Our Leadership Team

Our Board of Trustees is dedicated to guiding our synagogue with wisdom, integrity, and a commitment to our community. Please feel free
to reach out to any of our board members with questions or for more information.


Temple Anshe Sholom Board of Trustees 2023-2025


Marla Frank-Davis
Email: president@anshesholom.ca

Ettan Romm
Email: treasurer@anshesholom.ca

Tami Rotman-Martino

First Vice President
Email: vicepresident@anshesholom.ca


Paul Jaye
Second Vice President
Email: secondvicepresident@anshesholom.ca


Aaron Walsh

Email: secretary@anshesholom.ca


David Rayfield
Board Member at Large

Sue Passow

Board Member at Large


Matthew Feldman

Board Member at Large


Angelique Hamilton

Board Member at Large


Meeting Minutes and Access

The Secretary is responsible for maintaining the minutes of the Annual General Meetings (AGM) and the monthly Board Meetings. Should any
member wish to access these minutes, please reach out to our Secretary, Aaron, at secretary@anshesholom.ca.


Board Meetings
Our Board meets on the fourth Thursday of every month at 6:30 PM. All TAS members in good standing are eligible to attend and listen to the
meetings. If you would like to attend, please contact the Office or our Secretary, Aaron, for the Zoom information.


Contact the Board
For any inquiries or further information, please reach out to our President, Marla, at president@anshesholom.ca.

We are here to serve and support our community with dedication and care.

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