Prayer is a language that each of us speaks and hears in a different way. When we pray together, we try to find meaning within the chorus of diverse voices. With engaging sermons, meaningful stories and stimulating teachings, Rabbi Jordan Cohen shows us how the lessons from the past are relevant to our lives today. Worshiping through music is a long tradition at Temple Anshe Sholom and in Reform Judaism. Our services are filled with melodies and music that help to raise our prayer and elevate our souls. Cantor Paula Baruch selects music with intention and connection to the liturgy and season to elevate our worship.
Through a wide range of truly meaningful spiritual experiences, we offer something for everyone, including Kabbalat Shabbat Services and Saturday’s Shabbat Shelanu, which presents a variety of Shabbat Morning worship and learning experiences. YOFI Family Services (for families with young children), Religious School Shabbat Services, Summer Garden Services, and Services in the Round. These are all wonderful ways we gather and create a special experience for everyone.
Our services are fully egalitarian (men and women participate equally). We believe we have found a healthy balance between the traditional and the creative. Services are a balance of Hebrew and English, spoken, chanted and sung. We use both traditional, classic and contemporary melodies. People who attend vary from those with Orthodox backgrounds to Jewish by choice. No matter what story you arrive with, we welcome you and help you weave it together with ours.