Tikkun (Social Action)


Our Congregation provides its members with many opportunities for social action. The Temple Social Action committee is one of our most active committees. Current chairs are Karen Rosenberg and Paul Jaye. This group is also responsible for an English conversation group to assist new immigrants in Hamilton.

Ongoing Activities:

‘The List’ is a Volunteer Campaign and we hope everyone in our Temple family will step up and put their names and favourite ways of volunteering in our database so we can call on you when there are projects to be done.

Volunteers are always welcome! From general office work, handyman jobs, fundraising, library, event management, food preparation and more…at Temple Anshe Sholom we consider this holy work and a chance for all of us to give from the heart.

Donate to our Food Bank Contribution

Bring Kosher canned and other non-perishables to our food bank box at Temple Anshe Sholom anytime.

Donations are transported to Jewish Social Services Hamilton on a periodic basis.

Shalom Teaching Garden

Participate in planting and teaching about growing food, sustainable gardening practices and sharing food with the hungry in our own Shalom Teaching Garden. Contact the Temple Office for more information.


Garden help, Office work, Archival work, Set up for outdoor services, Shopping and Event Planning, Program Hosting

Contact: Cantor Paula Baruch   pbaruch@anshesholom.ca

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