Embracing Jewish Faith and Community


“Wherever you go, I will go; wherever you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God my God.” Ruth 1:16

Conversion to Judaism is a profound and personal journey of faith and commitment. At Temple Anshe Sholom, Rabbi Cohen provides compassionate guidance and support through the conversion process.

Study and Preparation:
We are affiliated with other Reform synagogues in the GTHA to offer a comprehensive Jewish Information Course (JIC) that covers Jewish beliefs, practices, history, and ethics. We have clergy from all affiliated synagogues participate in teaching classes. This is in addition to individual meetings with your sponsoring Rabbi to explore personal questions and experiences.

Rituals of Conversion:
The conversion process includes meaningful and sacred rituals such as appearing before a Beit Din (rabbinical court) and immersion in a Mikvah (ritual bath).

Welcoming our New Jews:
Upon completion, we celebrate our new Jew-by-choice by welcoming them into our community and inviting them to become a member of our community, affirming their place in our community and the Jewish people. You will also receive a formal Certificate of Conversion and a Certificate of Immersion for your records.


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