Purim is celebrated by the reading of the Scroll of Esther, known in Hebrew as the Megillat Esther, which relates the basic story of Purim. Under the rule of King Ahashuerus, Haman, the King’s prime minister, plots to exterminate all of the Jews of Persia. His plan is foiled by Queen Esther and her cousin Mordechai, who ultimately save the Jews of the land from destruction.
Temple Anshe Sholom is well known for its raucous musical Purim Shpiel each year. Our members collaborate on the creation of a script with rewritten song lyrics that follow a theme. In past years we have enjoyed Beatles Purim, Elvis Purim, Glee Purim, and Country and Western Purim, Queen Purim and Mamma Mia Purim. This past year we celebrated the music of BILLY JOEL. This year we’re going full YIDDISHKEIT with our own version of Fiddler on the Roof (MEGILLAH ON THE ROOF). You can get involved…it is so much fun!
This year PURIM will be on Saturday, March 23, 2024. We expect a huge turnout for our Purim Shpiel and a big party with all the fixings!
There’s always room for more. Contact Cantor Paula Baruch to volunteer to help out! pbaruch@anshesholom.ca