TAS youth programs are fun and exciting!
JYG: Kids in Grades 4 to 7 are invited to participate in JYG – once per month activities for Jewish kids. Fun with Jewish friends is the goal of this group.
TASTY: Grades 8 to 12 are invited to participate in Temple’s senior youth group TASTY. TASTY has monthly local activities, and kids can also participate in NFTY-NEL weekend retreats with other Reform Jewish youth from the GTA as well as Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York.
TASTY Grades 8-12 have a wide range of programs and opportunities through our Congregation. Our TYG is supervised by our Youth Director, Yael Morais
- Youth lounge evenings for hanging out and making friends
- Weekend programs of all types such as indoor rock climbing and ice skating
- Inter-TYG events such as Shul-Ins, and Themed Nights
- Community service projects and fundraising for tikkun olam
- Shabbat led entirely by members of our TYG
- Weekends at other Reform Synagogues within our Region
- Leadership training programs and Mitzvah Projects
- Opportunities to meet Jewish teens outside of our Congregation
- NFTY Conventions
- News about trips to Israel, New York and other European cities, as well as summer programs
10th graders are invited to participate in our Confirmation program which involves Torah, Avodah and G’milut Chasadim. Confirmands study with our Rabbi monthly, mentor younger children and participate in community service projects together. Depending on interest, the year may include a trip to another Jewish Community and we will celebrate a Confirmation ceremony.
Our religious school program allows teens in grades 9-12 to gain leadership experience and skills working with children one-on-one, in a classroom setting, and with special school projects as an aid in the TAS Religious School. Teens make a commitment for the year and are matched up with a particular class to assist the teacher in class projects and day-to-day activities.
Receive discounts for events & NFTY retreats by bringing new participants to our events! Never been to a NFTY retreat before?
Ask about the first-timers scholarship!
Event information also available through flyer mailings, e-mail updates, and our Facebook page and Website.